(Teenage Division Assessments - To Be Announced)
Minors and Majors (League Age 7 through 12) - SATURDAY JANUARY 25th
Skills Assessments (Tryouts) are used to determine the division that best fits each child, as well as allow the coaches to see the individual skills for use in their division drafts.
EQUIPMENT: Each child should have their own equipment (helmet, glove, bat). We do have league bats that can be used if they do not have their own yet. Boys are required to wear a protective cup.
LOCATION: Lucchesi Turf Soccer Field Map
DATE: Saturday, January 25th, 2025
All League Age 8-12 players are REQUIRED to attend Skills Assessments. We are ENCOURAGING advanced League Age 7s to attend as well. Attending Assessments helps the league (and coaches) determine the best place for each child.
T-Ball and Minis players League Age 6 or 7 do not have Skills Assessments.
If you cannot make your assigned session, please email [email protected] as soon as possible, and let us know if you can attend one of the other sessions.
League Age is the child’s age as of August 31st, 2025. You can find a chart here, as well as a link to the Little League Age Calculator.
Assessment Times: Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for check-in and warm-ups.
- 9:00am - League Age 7 and 8
- 10:15am - League Age 9
- 11:30am - League Age 10 and 11
- 12:45pm - League Age 12 and Returning Majors
(League Age 11s who played in Majors last year as 10s will be in the group with the 12s.)
ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES: Players should arrive 15 minutes early and go through warm-ups. The times are estimated based on the group size.
After checking in, the players will run through a series of three drills. These drills will test their coordination and ability to 1) catch grounders and make short throws, 2) catch flies and make longer throws, and 3) swing a bat. It is a good idea to wear comfortable clothes that will allow the child to perform.
MEDICAL RELEASE FORMS: We must have a 2025 Medical Release form on file for all players. Without this form, they will not be able to do any on-field activity, such as the Assessments. If you have not uploaded your Medical Release form or dropped it off at one of the In-Person Sessions earlier this month, then please make sure to drop off the physical copy at the Registration Table when checking in. We will have blank copies available, if needed.
AFTER ASSESSMENTS: The Major Division draft is held in the days following the assessments and the Minors Player-Pitch Division draft is held a couple days later. You should be contacted by your player's manager soon after these draft meetings. If you have not been notified by February 7th, please let us know so we can look into it.
RAIN PROCEDURE: If it is raining, please check the field anyway, and be sure to monitor our social media. Light rain or intermittent showers will not stop assessments. If it is raining heavily, our rain date will be the following day, Sunday, January 26th at the same group times.
If you have questions about anything, email [email protected].